Site Redesign: Know Where to Start
By Sarah Feldman ; January 11th, 2018

You've probably thought about how a website would be if one menu was different or the background had another color, right? Who knows, you may even have imagined a complete redesign for the pages you access most.


When dealing with the site redesign process, you must take into account, in addition to all the company's objectives, the message that it wishes to pass on to its clients, from the planning stage to the execution of the idea. The truth is that redesigning the website is just that: to make functional modifications that make the site more user-friendly, in order to favor the achievement of the objectives of the company's marketing strategy.


Let's explore a little more this subject so you know where to start when doing website redesign!


Why redesign is important?


1. When the expected results are not obtained

Although the site is fine and running as it has been programmed, if it is not generating the desired results, redesigning the design is certainly a very plausible solution. To facilitate, some questions can be asked, such as:

  • Is Call To Action (CTA) converting visitors into leads?
  • Are the pages well crafted?
  • Do they encourage the user to spend more time on the website?
  • Is the company message being properly transmitted to the target audience?


2. When the site does not have a responsive design

Nowadays, a large portion of the internet traffic derives from mobile devices, proving the fundamental nature and importance of responsive websites. If a company's website is not fully compatible with devices such as tablets and smartphones, it may lose visitors and therefore potential customers. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that companies see the responsiveness of their websites as a high priority.


3. When the competition is updated

Of course, you do not have to make changes to the site as long as your competition does that. However, if your competitor makes major changes to your search engine position, your company website may be compromised.


That way, it's important to take a look at the competitors' sites so that you have an idea of ​​how to change the website's own goals before you can run the redesign process. What is important in this case is to present better responses to current and potential customer


4. When there are changes in content strategy

Because of the collaboration for SEO campaigns, the content of the website is always a priority. However, what good is it going to do if the user cannot find it? If planning involves changing the content strategy or expanding the production of content for the company's blog, for example, it is very important that a new design is made for the site, so that communication with the user remains efficient.


5. When tools are modernized

If we have a site that uses external tools to provide a complete experience, such as a virtual store payment system, for example, these tools need to be compatible with current standards of functionality.


What exactly should be considered?


1. What is the impact of the new design on the user?

The change process is part of the sites. Even so, many people create a barrier to using what is new, even if the change is for the better. That said, you have to be very careful about implementing a complete redesign on the site, as it also means a change in the way you navigate, it's also an introduction to a whole new look.


2. What is the advantage to the company of having a responsive website?

It is more feasible to develop a website that is fully compatible with desktop and mobile devices. This helps save on the long run as compared to having two or more projects under development for different types of appliances. In addition, it is advantageous for the company to have a responsive site because it can be easily accessed by the client.


3. Have the old site statistics been reviewed?

There's no way to look at a business without imagining the possibilities for improvement, is not it? Especially at points where customers interact directly with the company. So, the first step should be to make an attentive analysis of the current site visit statistics.


4. How about applying flat design?

By using flat design, you can have a flatter visual structure without abusing colors and fonts, which makes site navigation simpler and more intuitive. In addition to helping navigate smartphones and tablets, flat design makes it easy to understand content and also detects action buttons and CTAs.


5. What if the user clicks on an old link?

When site redesign is performed, changes to page addresses may also occur. This usually happens because, when assembling a new design, changes can be made to the folder structure or the inclusion / deletion of files, depending on the case.


To conclude, also include the old addresses to the pages of the most recent site. When you do not, at least redirect the user to the homepage of the site when a page message not found appears.

About author

Sarah Feldman is a Marketing Manager and is currently working with Digital Express, a UI/UX Design Agency having experienced team of front end developer in Dubai. She loves to learn and share about latest web design and development updates and trends.

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